It’s January and most people set about making resolutions. The most common resolution is to lose weight. Well I just finished reading two amazing books by Geneen Roth. Women, Food, and God and When Food is Love. I’ve also ordered her workbook Why Weight? and cannot wait to start revealing my thinner inner self, especially after eating ‘too many to count’ holiday cookies. The main premise of Geneen’s books are that when we allow ourselves to feel our feelings and not use food as a way to numb ourselves from the pain of our childhoods; then we will naturally make healthier choices, stop eating compulsively, and revert to our ideal weight. [Read more…]
The Only Diet that Works – The Forgiveness Diet
Apply Law of Attraction to Your Love Life
Good Afternoon Ladies! Are you ready to learn how to Manifest Your Man®?!
All right, let’s get started then. I’m a Mary Kay Gal and Mary Kay
has favorite saying about what a women’s needs are.
- From 14 to 40 a woman needs good looks
- From 40 to 60 she needs personality
- And from 60 on I’m here to tell you a woman needs CASH!
Now nowhere on that list does it say anything about NEEDING a MAN.
Joe Vitale wrote this endorsement for my book:
“Love. We all want it. Yet, you want to reach the point where you
don’t need it. Why? When you welcome it but don’t need it, you
attract it, and Manifest Your Man® shows you how to attract love.
Stacy teaches you how to come from a place of peace, and how to
love yourself and your life where you are right now.”
I don’t tell you that to puff myself up, but to make this next point. [Read more…]
How do You Like Your Eggs?
Remember the movie Runaway Bride with Julia Roberts and Richard Gere? There’s a breakfast scene where Richard Gere asks Julia Roberts what kind of eggs she likes. Her response is “Whatever you’re having.” She had no clue how she liked her eggs because she always ate them however the man she was with at the time ate them. He said “No, what kind of eggs do you like?” And they proceeded to try all the different ways one could eat eggs, until she decided for herself that she preferred eggs benedict. [Read more…]
Law of Attraction in Action
As I packed for my workshop in Toronto a day earlier than normal (Mario calls me ‘Last Minute Lucy’), I realized, at 10:00 at night — two days before my flight –that my passport had expired.
Oh no! Now what was I going to do?
I stopped everything (because what’s the point of finishing packing if I can’t get through customs, right?) and went online to see what I could do.
Lo and behold, if I traveled within the next two weeks and had proof (which I did), I could go to to the Department of State’s Boston office because they have the authority to prepare Passports on site.
They also allowed me to use their 24-hour appointment scheduling service to schedule my appointment. So I did. The next available appointment was 8:30 the next morning.
Woo Hoo!
I had all the documentation I needed, except I didn’t have any passport photos. I called CVS and Walgreens and their photo departments closed at 10pm. I was too late. I looked online for a 24-hour passport photo service, with no luck. [Read more…]