20 Seconds Makes Your Heart Beat Stronger
I recently had a coaching call with one of my clients, Doris, from the UK who was feeling a bit remorseful about having to spend another birthday alone. (By the way, if you’re reading this – Happy Birthday!) She desperately wanted to meet her man and have him take her out to a lovely dinner – where they would dress up, go to a nice place, and she could feel the romantic connection with her life partner on her special day.
I asked her where she would want him to take her, and she mentioned a restaurant by the sea she wanted to try. I suggested that she may want to affirm the presence of her man coming to her by making a reservation, dressing up, and taking herself out to that place this year – to more concretely imagine the experience with him. I recommended she could invite a girlfriend to join her on her romantic experience if she didn’t want to eat alone. [Read more…]