shifted my search from the perfect man for me to the ideal match to me
At age 58 and 15 years past my divorce, I was ready to begin a serious relationship again, but found that a frustrating experience. Into my life bounces Stacy Corrigan who had a clear vision and a tested plan to share that shifted my search from the perfect man for me to the ideal match to me. Manifest Your Man® is about allowing yourself to be who you truly are, and shedding the layers of your own personal negative beliefs (often sub-conscious and not necessarily just about poor body image) that keep your ideal match from being drawn to you. And, simultaneously, the world around you gets more joyful and abundant sweeping you into a wonderful upward spiral. Life and love…it all feels so do-able now. Ironically, Manifest Your Man® manifested the authentic woman in me!
Carol S. – Pennsylvania