Apply Law of Attraction to Your Love Life

Good Afternoon Ladies!  Are you ready to learn how to Manifest Your Man®?!

All right, let’s get started then.  I’m a Mary Kay Gal and Mary Kay

has favorite saying about what a women’s needs are.

  • From 14 to 40 a woman needs good looks
  • From 40 to 60 she needs personality
  • And from 60 on I’m here to tell you a woman needs CASH!

Now nowhere on that list does it say anything about NEEDING a MAN.

joe_vitale_with_reflectionJoe Vitale wrote this endorsement for my book:

“Love. We all want it. Yet, you want to reach the point where you

don’t need it. Why? When you welcome it but don’t need it, you

attract it, and Manifest Your Man® shows you how to attract love.

Stacy teaches you how to come from a place of peace, and how to

love yourself and your life where you are right now.”

I don’t tell you that to puff myself up, but to make this next point. [Read more…]

20 Seconds Makes Your Heart Beat Stronger

couple intimate dinnerI recently had a coaching call with one of my clients, Doris, from the UK who was feeling a bit remorseful about having to spend another birthday alone. (By the way, if you’re reading this – Happy Birthday!) She desperately wanted to meet her man and have him take her out to a lovely dinner – where they would dress up, go to a nice place, and she could feel the romantic connection with her life partner on her special day.

I asked her where she would want him to take her, and she mentioned a restaurant by the sea she wanted to try. I suggested that she may want to affirm the presence of her man coming to her by making a reservation, dressing up, and taking herself out to that place this year – to more concretely imagine the experience with him. I recommended she could invite a girlfriend to join her on her romantic experience if she didn’t want to eat alone. [Read more…]

A Woman’s Worth – by Marianne Williamson

A Woman’s Worth
by Marianne Williamson

Enchanted Love: The Mystical Power Of Intimate Relationships – by Marianne Williamson

Enchanted Love: The Mystical Power Of Intimate Relationships
by Marianne Williamson

Romantic Relationships – by Marianne Williamson

Romantic Relationships
by Marianne Williamson

Love For No Reason: 7 Steps to Creating a Life of Unconditional Love – by Marci Shimoff, Marianne Williamson, Carol Kline

Love For No Reason: 7 Steps to Creating a Life of Unconditional Love
by Marci Shimoff, Marianne Williamson, Carol Kline

Falling in Love for all the Right Reasons – by Dr. Neil Clark Warren

Falling in Love for all the Right Reasons
by Dr. Neil Clark Warren

Date or Soul Mate? How to Know if Someone is Worth Pursuing in Two Dates or Less – by Dr. Neil Clark Warren

Date or Soul Mate? How to Know if Someone is Worth Pursuing in Two Dates or Less
by Dr. Neil Clark Warren

Love Smart – by Dr. Phil

Love Smart
by Dr. Phil

Relationship Rescue – by Dr. Phil

Relationship Rescue
by Dr. Phil